Thursday, October 25, 2012

Wikiperdia Questions

1.       What is Wikipedia? 

Wikipedia is an online encyclopedia.

2.       How would you answer the question posed in this piece “How reliable can a source be when anyone can edit it?”? 

The articles on Wikipedia are reviewed and the sources are checked. If the information is wrong, it is edited and fixed, the reposted.

3.       Who do the creators of Wikipedia place their trust in when it comes to weeding out misinformation? 

The creators of Wikipedia place their trust in the people who are watching the website. If the information is wrong, then they are responsible for fixing it.

4.       What would abuse or vandalism look like on a Wikipedia page? 

Wrong information

5.       How does Wikiscanner help increase the reliability of Wikipedia entries?

Wikiscanner checks the IP address of editors. It can help to find false information.

Who's that Knocking??? Storybird

Who's That Knocking on Storybird

I believe Story bird would be helpful for a classroom. It could be used in several ways. Some of the ways a teacher could use it would be to make a story to teach a history lesson. Another way a teacher could use it would be to put the students spelling words into a story to help them study.  It could also be used in the classroom by the students. For example if you wanted your student to write a story they would probably feel more motivated to use the computer and get to put pictures with their story than they would if they just had to write the story on paper.

Double Entry Journal # 10


"But as I see it, knowledge alone is not enough. In today’s rapidly changing world, people must continually come up with creative solutions to unexpected problems."


I completely agree with this quote. Someone could have tons and tons of knowledge, but if they don’t use that knowledge, it is worthless.  One must be able to apply their knowledge to situations and problems they are approached with. I believe schools should teach students problem solving techniques, even if they don’t believe the students will need this skill, I believe it is vital for society. Students are often sent into the world not completely prepared for the things they will face. Students are often prepared to go to college, but what if they decide to go right into the workforce? If they haven’t been taught to solve problems logically, then what will happen? 

Related Source

Inspireyourchildren. "Activities to Teach Problem Solving to Children." Http://, n.d. Web.
Resnick, Mitchel. "Sowing the Seeds for a More Creative Society." Http:// Youtube.comf, n.d. Web. <>.

Sunday, October 21, 2012

Double Journal Enrty #9

After watching this video, I realized teaching is a very complex job. Teachers have so much going on at once. I felt that in this video, it was kind of hard to listen to what the one man was saying and watch what the other one was saying. This showed me how hard it must be teach a class when you have about 100 different things going on. Also, for elementary school teachers, teaching so many different subjects also has to be very difficult. It has to be hard for students to switch from one subject to the next, but maybe even harder for teachers because of the one hundred other things they have going on that they have to deal with. I also learned that an expert in a subject may not be that great of a teacher of that subject. One must know how to teach to be a teacher. This holds true for technology because it is constantly changing and having hundreds of different things going on. Using technology in the class room could also help the students to be able to be more focused when multiple things are happening.


Wednesday, October 17, 2012

Fair Use Questions

1.        What is the difference between Media in Education vs Media Literacy Education

Media in education is just using copyrighted things in the classroom. Media Literacy Education is teaching students how to analyze media.

2.        What social bargain is at the heart of Fair use?

Fair use allows others to use materials

3.        Why is Fair Use more important today?

Fair use is important today because it protects people. It allows the media to be used but still gives the owner rights.

4.        What are the two key questions judges use to determine Fair Use?

1.Did the unlicensed use transform the material taken from the copyrighted work
by using it for a different purpose than that of the original
2.Was a reasonable amount of the material used.


5.        A teacher shows a movie of The Lion King and asks student to notice how the animals in the movie reflect racial stereotypes? Is this Fair Use? Why?

Yes. The student is asking a question and the teacher is using it for educational purposes

6.        Which principle relates most strongly to the digital story you created in class? Explain.

I didn’t create a digital video

7.        Are there limitations to the amount of pictures, length of music, or video that can be used in a multimedia project?


8.        Do you need to request permission from the original creator in order to use copyrighted material in multimedia project for school related assignment?

9.        Should educators try to change the policies in their school in they are not in line with Fair Use doctrine?

No, the policies are strict for a reason

10.     What common myth about Fair Use surprised you the most?

I had no idea it was so complex.



Garden of Times

The Garden of Times video game reflects interaction, customization, ordered problems, within the regime of competence and exploring.

Interaction: students can connect with other students

Customization: the levels change as you move farther in the game

Ordered problems: as you go farther in the game, the activities get harder

Within the regime of competence: The game is doable, but challenging

Exploring: you have to think about what you buy for your garden before you buy it. If you just buy little things over and over you will never have enough to buy anything big.


I enjoyed the Skype experience. I thought it was neat to be able to communicate with another classroom while we were not even close. Skype can be used in several ways in the classroom. Some of the way I might use it would be : Invite a guest lecturer from leading educators and experts from anywhere in the world, explore foreign cultures first hand with classroom to classroom video conferencing, Broadcast a performance or project to parents and families unable to make it to school. Students enjoy guest lectures. It is always fun to have someone new to listen to in the classroom. Since showing children other cultures is in many CSOs now, this would be a neat and fun way for children to experience other cultures. Often times a student’s parents works away from home and cannot attend things at school. It would be nice for them to get to experience the same things the other parents do.


I enjoyed the Skype experience. I thought it was neat to be able to communicate with another classroom while we were not even close. Skype can be used in several ways in the classroom. Some of the way I might use it would be : Invite a guest lecturer from leading educators and experts from anywhere in the world, explore foreign cultures first hand with classroom to classroom video conferencing, Broadcast a performance or project to parents and families unable to make it to school. Students enjoy guest lectures. It is always fun to have someone new to listen to in the classroom. Since showing children other cultures is in many CSOs now, this would be a neat and fun way for children to experience other cultures. Often times a student’s parents works away from home and cannot attend things at school. It would be nice for them to get to experience the same things the other parents do.


I enjoyed the Skype experience. I thought it was neat to be able to communicate with another classroom while we were not even close. Skype can be used in several ways in the classroom. Some of the way I might use it would be : Invite a guest lecturer from leading educators and experts from anywhere in the world, explore foreign cultures first hand with classroom to classroom video conferencing, Broadcast a performance or project to parents and families unable to make it to school. Students enjoy guest lectures. It is always fun to have someone new to listen to in the classroom. Since showing children other cultures is in many CSOs now, this would be a neat and fun way for children to experience other cultures. Often times a student’s parents works away from home and cannot attend things at school. It would be nice for them to get to experience the same things the other parents do.

Tuesday, October 9, 2012

DEJ #8

Quote: "Exploring. It is traditional that schools would teach students to move as fast and efficiently as possible towards a goal, but games are different. They encourage players to sit back, explore and not move on too quickly, think laterally not linearly, and to re-evaluate one’s goals on occasion."

I think "exploring" is very important. Students often come up with goals that are unrealistic. They need to evaluate the goals they have set and explore the options they have to reach those goals. Schools often teach students to move quickly and when you do this it is often inefficient. If students were taught to reevaluate their decisions before they are set on them, then they may set better more reachable goals for themselves. It is pointless for students to get their hopes up.  They must have the skill to make reachable goals. Video games may help students to realize that they need to evaluate what they are doing before they go through with it.
Related Source:

"10 Things Schools can Learn from Video Games | Learning in Gaming." Learning in Gaming. N.p., n.d. Web. 9 Oct. 2012. <>.

Thursday, October 4, 2012

Double Journal Entry #4

"Kinesthetic learners require body movement and action for optimal results: they need to move around, use their muscles, explore."

Since I am a kinesthetic learner, this means a lot to me. I know what it is like to need to move around to learn. I will keep this in mind when I am a teacher. I know it is probably easier just to say read this from the book, but hands on activities get the point across better for a lot of people.

Related Source:

Double Entry Journal #6

Quote: "Unlike reading assigned textbooks, reading online challenges students to make judgments about the reputability and validity of the information they see. Researchers who directed several hundred college students to three bogus Web sites about fictitious nutritional supplements found that half of the students lacked the skills to identify the trustworthiness of the information, yet most thought they had strong research skills"

Responce: It is easier to go to the internet and find the information you are looking for rather than go to a library and read through book after book to find what you are looking for. However, the internet isn't always accurate. Anyone can make a website. Students need to be taught to validate websites.

Related Source:


Website Validation: Think Aloud

Media Literacy Obama Picture

Man on ship
Ship, flag, barge crane, sky
Flag waving
Man on ship
Sky, ship
Man in green shirt, man in blue shirt
Dock, ship
People walking
Barrack, other people
People walking

Left side of Obama’s head
Right side of Obama’s head
Plaid shirt
Plaid shit

In the first picture, three things I might infer are confidence in Obama, the pride the navy men have for their country as they stand on the ship, and the people look happy
The caption and article of the photo of the first picture are: Photo in the New York Daily News: Tuesday June 15, 2010. Article Title: White House: Obama ready to seize claims process. Caption: White House: Obama ready to seize claims process. This caption makes you think that Obama is confident in what he is going to do.
In the second Picture, three things that enter my mind are lack of confidence, confusion, and that he is thinking.
The caption and article of the photo of the 2nd picture are: Photo in the Washington Post Tuesday June 15, 2010Article Title: Oil Spill: BP Gulf leak could stain President Obama like Iran Hostage crisis destroyed Jimmy Carter Caption: President Barack Obama is briefed on the BP oil spill relief efforts in the Gulf. This caption makes me think that Obama may not know what he is doing and this may ruin his presidency,

Wednesday, October 3, 2012

Double Entry Journal #7 Seven Power Lens

We know that 75 percent of American adolescents are online (U.S. Census, 2002) and 85 percent of all Internet users expect to find key news information online (Horrigan and Rainie, 2002). Yet “the adolescents of the nineties are more isolated and more unsupervised than other generations” (Hersch, 1998). The tools of visual, media, and information literacy must be taught in school because they will (or won’t) be used at home.
When I read this quote I was surprised to find out that this high of a percent of American adolescents were using the internet to find key news information. I knew that adults found a lot of news online, but I had no idea adolescents were also using this tool. I believe it is great for them to know what is going on currently in the news. I then found this information below which is a youtube channel of news just for adolescents.

Related Source:

Media Literacy meets ISTE-NETS

3. Research and Information Fluency
Students apply digital tools to gather, evaluate,
and use information.
a. Plan strategies to guide inquiry
b. Locate, organize, analyze, evaluate, synthesize,
and ethically use information from a variety of
sources and media
c. Evaluate and select information sources and digital
tools based on the appropriateness to specific tasks
d. Process data and report results
4. Critical Thinking, Problem Solving,
and Decision Making
Students use critical thinking skills to plan and
conduct research, manage projects, solve problems,
and make informed decisions using appropriate
digital tools and resources.
a. Identify and define authentic problems and
significant questions for investigation
b. Plan and manage activities to develop a solution
or complete a project
c. Collect and analyze data to identify solutions
and/or make informed decisions
d. Use multiple processes and diverse perspectives
to explore alternative solutions

These standards help to use media literacy by helping students to realize how accurate the website is and use other knowledge to support that idea. Standard 2: Research and Information Fluency helps the students to use other internet sources. Sub "C" under this standard, (C)Evaluate and select information sources and digital tools based on the apprptiatedness to specific tasks, help the student to support their ideas with other internet sources. Standard 4: Critical Thinking, Problem Solving, and Decision Making also helps the students to validate the website.

Media Literacy is so important in today's technological age. If you can't tell if the website is a reliable source, then how will you know what information to believe? Since anyone can put anything on the internet you must know how to validate a website and be media literate, or you may be given false information.